Salaamu Alaikum MCS Families,
We welcome everyone to quarter 4 where we stay committed to learning despite being unable to gather at school for now. Nothing will stop us from bettering ourselves!! I have the privilege of having all Zoom meeting ID numbers and by clicking away I visited Br. Salahuddeen’s class with the 7th graders, Sr. Mouna and her 2nd graders, Br.Jeffrey and his 5th graders and Sr. Hasina and her 1st graders!!
It was truly heartwarming to see the students, some with headphones, some doing math, others learning about using apostrophes, and others reading from text and responding to their teacher’s questions. And it was only 10:45 in the morning! If this glance into our start of online learning is any indication of how it is going to be, we can proudly say: WE GOT THIS!
We have to thank Sr. Fatemeh Rahmatabady for making this transition a smooth one with her constant availability to help and assist. We are grateful to the teachers who took many hours to prepare themselves, their homes, their google classrooms and their online-friendly lesson plans!! High fives to our students who showed up to Zoom on time, in uniform, ready to go!!
Let’s give this a few days and we will send a survey to our parents to get your feedback on how this is going for you.
We appreciate everyone’s understanding and humility and we praise Allah for allowing us to accept His test in grace and may He always find us among His patient subjects.
Fi Amaanillah,
Sr. Somayyah