Some changes to make note of:
- Early release days (although not on the calendar) are Tuesday thru Thursday, December 17-19. School will close at 12:00 for students.
- Two days were added to winter break – Thursday and Friday, January 2-3. These two days were taken from the 5 extra days we have set aside for snow closures. If we use more than the 3 days set aside, we will consider shortening Spring Break or the week off in Ramadhan. If we do NOT use all snow days, we will reconsider closing on Memorial Day (currently a school day).
- DC MIST dates are now known and we will be closed on the following Monday, April 6 after a long weekend of tournaments.
- Although not on the calendar, the Model UN conference will be Tuesday, April 21.
** For inclement weather decisions, we follow Montgomery County. Please sign up to receive their notifications or tune into their website or your news channels to know what we will be doing in the case of early dismissals, delayed openings or closings. As always, you have the prerogative to make your best decision when winter weather arrives.**